Business and newbie guide to programming

Contact me

Please contact me!

Whatever you want to contact me for, you’re very welcome to do so. If you would like to ask me about my newbie guide, ask me about my work or even book a meeting – every mail is welcomed.

Maybe you just want to check in and say hello, or give me tips on what you want to read about. Oh, and if you’ve learned anything from my site – I hope you tell me about this. I’d love to hear that my work has inspired and helped! In the end, that’s exactly why I do it. I would also appreciate you to tell me how my tools work, and if you are satisfied with the work I’ve done for you. Much of my development consists in feedback – what works, what would you like to change, what are you especially pleased with and what would you like me to know?

I try to answer as fast as I can, but I can not guarantee an answer within the next hour or so. Sometime I’m very busy with work and I focus at that in those times. However, as soon as I have some time I’ll make sure to check my mail and answer what’s in there.

If you would like to contact me, please write to: