Business and newbie guide to programming

Monthly Archives: May 2017

Charles Babbage – the creator of computers

We continue our quest through the history of the computer scientists that change the world. Although we move in a non-chronological order, it’s time to talk about the person who actually created the very first kind of computer – Charles Babbage. Born in 1791, he was an English mathematician, analytical philosopher, mechanical engineer and computer […]

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Ada Lovelace – the first ever to write computer programs

Okay, so I find three thing to be especially awesome with this particular person of computer history. I’ll try to describe them as good as I can. First – Ada Lovelace was a woman. Not a huge deal, but again it proves that programming not only is for men. Secondly – she lived in the […]

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Grace Hopper – the wonder woman and programmer ace

Grace Hopper – the wonder woman and programmer ace

Programming is often seen as a male task, with super bright minded and geeky guys that solves the world’s biggest computer problems. This is actually not at all correct, since a lot of the evolution of computer science is thanks to women. One of the scientist we have to thank our language and programming to […]

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A little more about the C programming language

A little more about the C programming language

C is one of the absolutely most known and used programming language, all around the world. And it sure is that for a reason – it’s easy to use and has a lot of useable functions. C is a general purpose, imperative language for computers. It has a static type system that prevents many unintended operations, […]

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Easy programs for the beginner

Easy programs for the beginner

As a complete beginner, it may be hard to understand all the programs around, and know the difference between them. What is good to start with? What should I avoid? What’s the most easy one and will I learn relevant thing with it? I know the questions is very many, and I promise to at […]

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Hello, World!

Hello, World!

If you ever been in contact with programming, on any level, you’ve probably heard of “Hello, World!”. It’s since a long time famous to be the first thing you’ll learn to write. It’s often used as a introduction for beginners, to show the minimum syntax needed. “Hello, World!” also functions as the first program many writes […]

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My current resumé

Years ago, when I first started programming, I started to make a list of what I’ve learnt and done. Through the years I’ve been adding more and more things to this list and now, it looks kind of like this. Have in mind that I’ve actually not taken in all 100% of what I’ve done, […]

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