Business and newbie guide to programming

Author: Erik Benlund

Data Types and an example in casino games

In a previous article I described what a variable is and why it is so important in programming. In this article I will go through the Basic Data Types, which is also very important to understand. Why Data Types are important Data Types define what type a data that will be stored in a variable […]

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Errors ruining my day – script failing in slot machine

Being a programmer can sometime be ruthless. You think you have everything under control. You have done everything right and everything you can to write a flawless code. But it is not that easy. When you compile and run the code nothing works. You go back check the code again, were did it go wrong […]

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Variables – The corner stone for every code

Variables is one of the corner stone in programming. The variables a vital in every script you make. I will in this post describe what a variable is and how it can be useful. You can think of it as a part of a beginners guide to learning programming. If you have any form of […]

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Odds and the mathematics

I am no expert at mathematics of probabilities for that matter but I like betting and I am kinda fascinated of how the odds are calculated. For those who do not know, odds is representing the probability of a event to occur. The odds at the bookmakers The odds at a bookmaker can be written […]

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Charles Babbage – the creator of computers

We continue our quest through the history of the computer scientists that change the world. Although we move in a non-chronological order, it’s time to talk about the person who actually created the very first kind of computer – Charles Babbage. Born in 1791, he was an English mathematician, analytical philosopher, mechanical engineer and computer […]

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Ada Lovelace – the first ever to write computer programs

Okay, so I find three thing to be especially awesome with this particular person of computer history. I’ll try to describe them as good as I can. First – Ada Lovelace was a woman. Not a huge deal, but again it proves that programming not only is for men. Secondly – she lived in the […]

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Grace Hopper – the wonder woman and programmer ace

Grace Hopper – the wonder woman and programmer ace

Programming is often seen as a male task, with super bright minded and geeky guys that solves the world’s biggest computer problems. This is actually not at all correct, since a lot of the evolution of computer science is thanks to women. One of the scientist we have to thank our language and programming to […]

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A little more about the C programming language

A little more about the C programming language

C is one of the absolutely most known and used programming language, all around the world. And it sure is that for a reason – it’s easy to use and has a lot of useable functions. C is a general purpose, imperative language for computers. It has a static type system that prevents many unintended operations, […]

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Easy programs for the beginner

Easy programs for the beginner

As a complete beginner, it may be hard to understand all the programs around, and know the difference between them. What is good to start with? What should I avoid? What’s the most easy one and will I learn relevant thing with it? I know the questions is very many, and I promise to at […]

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Hello, World!

Hello, World!

If you ever been in contact with programming, on any level, you’ve probably heard of “Hello, World!”. It’s since a long time famous to be the first thing you’ll learn to write. It’s often used as a introduction for beginners, to show the minimum syntax needed. “Hello, World!” also functions as the first program many writes […]

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